Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trash Talk

When we moved here and were learning about all of the nuances of our temporary home...different electrical outlets, tiny oven, etc.,  I thought that the one thing I wouldn't have to spend much time on was the trash.  Boy was I wrong!   I assumed that the two big garbage cans outside were just like the ones at home...one for "regular" garbage and the other for recyclable items.
Ahhhh....just like home
Sadly, we all know what happens when one assumes, and I was in for yet another Swedish surprise.  Upon opening the large garbage cans I found EIGHT different compartments for different kinds of trash and recyclable items!
Yep...the other one looks exactly like this one...just with different Swedish words inside
We have a specific place for plastic, metal, paper, clear glass, colored glass (I'm not making this up), food waste, etc.  The food waste even has to be put in special little paper bags, which aren't much bigger than a lunch sack.  Hasn't anyone here heard of a garbage disposal???

To make matters worse, garbage pick up is only every two weeks (for some things) or every six weeks (for others).  Don't ask me what gets picked up when...I just know that the cardboard section is always full and that the garbage truck wakes up the entire neighborhood!

My saving grace, however, is our area recycling center- SYSAV!  They will take just about everything here (except fireworks and car parts).  It's nice to swing by when you have a little extra trash (or when you have finally finished unpacking and have bags and bags of paper left behind).   Just like your trash cans at home, SYSAV has a place for everything.  Don't bother translating this sign, I simply want to give you the idea.

But most importantly there is Area #9.  This is the magical place where one can unload anything that isn't plastic, metal, paper, etc.  (it's also known as the "I'm sick of sorting though my trash, so just throw it in here" place).  Thank you, Area #9!

Anyhow....sorry for the TMI on trash....but I had to share!

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