Monday, May 21, 2012

So what does your house look like?? Part I- The Kitchen

I have been promising to post pictures of our house for several weeks now, and here is the first installment.  Before I begin this first, of several, posts showing the home, I must clarify one thing.  This is actually not "our" house....we are renting this home during our time here.  However, it's much simpler to continue saying "our house" and "my house", so that's how I will proceed.  That being said, if you see things around "my house" that look like they need improvement or that aren't quite my style....keep in mind that I probably can't do much to change them.

Now back to the post at hand...In my adult life (or semi-adult life, if you include the college years), I have moved from tiny kitchen to almost non-existent kitchen to tiny kitchen to HUGE kitchen....I have seen the spectrum!   Our kitchen here is somewhere in between and I have to admit that I'm learning to like least a little bit.  It's open and bright with a reasonable amount of counter space.
Here's the view as you enter through the carport/garage
The refrigerator and freezer (straight ahead) are bigger than I anticipated, and there are enough cabinets to hold all of the things that the we shipped over here.  My main complaints are 1) the tiny oven (mentioned in an earlier post) and 2) the small microwave (in addition to being undersized, its timer is only "approximate" AND it has a door that obscures the view of the food inside. That is not a good combination!).  I guess my baking motto will have to be "adapt and overcome"!
Object in this photo is smaller than it appears
The kitchen does have open cabinets which hold the majority of our dishes, which is a bonus.   This feature also helps makes the kitchen/dining area appear a little least that's what I'm telling myself!
Kitchen opens up to dining area
It's also very Swedish to have plants and/or flowers in the windows.   I have typically been much more comfortable with plants of the silk variety, but I'm trying to keep things alive the best I can.
Please don't die!
One last thing about our kitchen (and the house in general) is that it is REALLY close to the street (as in "make sure you're wearing a bra while you do the dishes" close)!   Please keep that in mind if you're planning a visit :)

I hope you've enjoyed Part I of the house tour...hopefully I will have more to add soon!

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is that its a normal sized swedish oven, and you think its small, funny :)
