Sunday, October 27, 2013

Norway- Closed on Sunday

It's early Sunday morning as I begin to write this post, and I'm starting to think about what I can do today.  More importantly, I quickly realize what I will NOT be doing.  I will not be browsing at the mall, shopping for home improvement supplies (which I really need) or even buying groceries.   Why?  Because nearly all stores here in Norway are closed on Sunday.

You guessed it...."Closed"

There seems to be different political opinions related to why stores should, or should not, be open on Sundays, but I think it would be wise for me to stay out of politics after only two weeks in the country.  I'll simply provide my own initial thoughts on the situation.

If I look at the positive side, I suppose one could really focus on using Sunday as a "day of rest" or perhaps as an opportunity to spend more time with family and friends.  Last Sunday, we went on a hike with friends and had a picnic (even built a fire and grilled hot dogs on sticks- these folks don't mess around!).  We did all this in spite of the questionable weather (apparently the "no bad weather, only bad clothing" is a mantra in Norway as well as in Sweden).  The possible downside is having the entire family sitting in front of the TV, computer, iPad, etc. all Sunday long (although I guess that's not a bad thing every once in a while).

Hubby and the youngest with our Sunday "tour guides"
The lack of Sunday shopping does encourage one to plan a little bit better for the coming week (i.e. making sure there is enough food in the house for at least a day or two as well as ensuring there is something to put in the kids' lunch boxes on Monday).  Otherwise, you will be forced to search for essential items at one of the small food stores or gas stations that are open (I agree...that would not be ideal).

Tacquitos and hot dogs for Sunday dinner??
In spite of proper planning, I can foresee situations when I will need (want) something on a Sunday that I just cannot find at the mini-mart.   This may bring my cooking, remodeling, etc. to a screeching halt.  Perhaps then I will begin lobbying for Sunday shopping!

"No shopping Sunday" is only the beginning of what will be many new and different experiences here in Norway.  I am certain that some of these differences will be easier to embrace than others.  I suppose it will be important to keep an open mind and adapt as well as I can.

Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. You can't go wrong with taquitos! Ha! As far as the no shopping sunday...not sure how I feel about that. Considering my day consisted of many errands today. I would certainly need to adjust!
