Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Swedish Adventure takes a detour...

I guess I've been waiting about a month to make this news "official"...maybe because part of me has been in denial that this change in our lives is actually happening or maybe I've just been lazy.   So here it is...our family, after living in Sweden for just over one and a half years, will soon be moving to Norway.  Yes, the girl who had never moved more than a couple of hours away from where she was born, is now moving to country #2 in Scandinavia.

At least the red, white and blue are familiar
So how do I feel about this move?  Honestly, it depends on when you ask me.  Some days I am excited and grateful for the opportunities ahead.   Other days I find myself a little nervous and frustrated.  It took some time to get settled here in Sweden, to make friends, find a job, learn my way around the grocery store, etc. so I can't say I am thrilled to start those processes all over again.  

Does this phrase exist in Swedish?  or Norwegian?
At least moving to Norway from Sweden will not be quite as much of a culture shock as moving from the States to Sweden!  So, let's summarize the good and the possibly not-so-good stuff surrounding our move to Norway (I understand I may be making a few assumptions or generalizations here...just humor me).


  • The Norwegians seem to be very active and outdoors-y
  • I have heard that it may be a bit easier to make friends in Norway (I'm excited about this possibility, but don't want to get my hopes up).  Don't get me wrong, the Swedes are nice people...but it can take a bit of time for them to "open up"
  • Our house will be quite close to the sea 
  • Our girls already speak Swedish fluently, so learning Norwegian shouldn't be horribly difficult for them.  They are also excited about moving to Norway- which is good.
  • My husband (who has Norwegian ancestors) is really excited to be moving to the "homeland"
Our cute house in Norway

  • That cute house?  I have not yet seen it in person (only some pictures)...a little scary!
  • Pretty much everything in Norway is crazy expensive (I have heard people actually leave the country to buy booze and food....WOW!)
  • I will need to start the job and friend seeking process all over again
  • The thought of leaving my friends in Sweden is starting to make me feel sad (and of course I still miss my friends and family in the U.S.)
  • My Swedish is not very good and now I will be trying to learn Norwegian (at least a little)
  • I have been told that "everyone" skis in Norway...and I have never skied before in my life (I guess learning to ski could be on the "good" list, but I'm a bit afraid of breaking a leg)
I think I'm seeing my future!
I'm sure there are things on both lists that I am forgetting...hopefully I can add more to the "GOOD" list as our moving date quickly approaches.  For now, I have a few more weeks to sort through our belongings and determine which of our things will not be needed (or will not fit) in our new home.  Wish me luck!

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