Friday, August 30, 2013

The American Store

So after living in Sweden for approximately 16 months, I finally ventured into the "American Store" for the very first time (and only because I was in the neighborhood).  And yes, there really is such a place.  I had heard all about this store, especially when we first arrived here.   When I was searching for things like chocolate chips or baking soda....I would hear "they have that at the American Store".  For some reason, I just never hopped in the car to drive the twenty minutes to investigate.  Instead, I improvised or asked my Swedish friends what I could use as a substitute.  I now chop up blocks of chocolate (which are relatively cheap) for use in my cookies and I learned that baking soda, marshmallows and other essentials are now available in the regular supermarket...I guess I'm lucky I didn't move here ten years ago!

"A True American Tradition" even says so on the bag!
So what DO they sell at the American Store and did I buy anything?  Well, there was a huge selection of BBQ and other sauces, many of which I had never seen before.  There was also a wide range of convenience foods...including pancake mixes and those cans of cake frosting that never expire!  

I was also reminded of some "American" items that I have never seen in the shops in Sweden, like Reese's peanut butter cups, Altoids, and Pop-Tarts.  In spite of all the interesting and colorful goodies within my reach, I did not make any purchases that day.  First of all, I have been baking a lot (more about that in another post), so I don't buy much in terms of pre-made cakes, cookies, etc. anymore.   Also, everything was crazy expensive and I just couldn't justify paying triple for things I really don't need.  I do have to admit that I was tempted by a bag of candy corn...but it appeared to have spent a long time on the shelf, so I took a pass.

For my Swedish friends....have you seen these before??  Yum!
Even though I didn't buy anything, I think the store is a fun idea.  I am fortunate enough to get back to the U.S. at least once a year to stock up on my favorite things, or I can beg my friends (or more likely my mom) to send me stuff.  Not everyone here has that option, so this store gives them a chance to satisfy a craving for a Pop-Tart or a can of Mountain Dew.  It is also probably fun for Swedes to pick up fun foods that they discovered during a trip to the states.

After being a bit "underwhelmed" by my choices at the American shop, I realized that the foods I really miss generally come from restaurants....Chicago style pizza, a medium rare ribeye steak or perhaps lobster mac & cheese.

Why can't they sell THIS at the American Store? I'm getting's time for a snack!

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