Wednesday, January 9, 2013

To the U.S. and back (home?) to Sweden

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I started writing this post from the comfort of my parents' couch...a place I had not been since moving to Sweden more than eight months ago.  Our family was able to enjoy three weeks in the states, catching up with friends and family (gotta love the 6+ weeks of vacation that you get here).  I must admit that I had a bit of anxiety as I geared up for the trip, wondering how I could possibly make time to see everyone.   Luckily, I followed the advice of a dear friend who moved to the Chicago 'burbs from Philly years ago...she advised me to stay in one place (for the most part) and said that people would come to me (and she was mostly right).  It was great seeing friends who were in town and catching up on all the things I have jobs, new babies, etc.  Of course with time constraints and holiday travel, I missed a few folks, but I guess that is to be expected.

Of course, seeing friends and family during this visit was the first priority.  But I must be honest...I was looking forward to catching up on a couple of other things as well.

First we should talk about the shopping.  We landed on a Friday night and by Saturday morning I had made my return to Target (big surprise, right?) and it was glorious....there were angels singing, bands playing, etc.  Perhaps that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I truly missed the convenience of purchasing nearly everything I might need to exist from one store (food, clothing, medicine, electronics, makeup- you get the idea).  I stocked up on several items that we can't get in Sweden (or perhaps these are just things that I can't find or things that I perceive as crazy expensive).

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

As excited as I was about my first (and certainly not my last) visit to Target, I did notice that I was a bit overwhelmed by a couple of trips to the grocery store.   After living in a (relatively) small city in Sweden where I have had limited choices of many food items, I was surprised to find myself a bit flustered while in a big Meijer store.   Believe me, I LOVE having choices....but do I really need to pick from 200 kinds of spaghetti sauce??

Maybe I should just make my own sauce...
More than once, I stood in the aisle and found myself unable to make a decision on something seemingly simple.  I once even had to call my mom to clarify her paper plate needs....regular or small sized? round or square?  plain white or fancy patterned?  cheap or Chinet?  OMG!  I'm sure I will miss the vast selection of items when I return to always want what you can't have, right?

I must admit that I was a bit happier (and less overwhelmed) while shopping for clothes.  I had returned to the U.S. with a half empty suitcase and planned to pick up a few pairs of jeans, some sweaters and a new pair of boots.  It was comforting to know the best places to shop and it was easy to find some good deals!  I thought I wouldn't need it, but was ultimately thankful for the extra suitcase we had left behind when we moved. The combination of "mandatory" shopping, Christmas gifts, and a few items that had been requested by friends really adds up quickly.  Upon our return, our family was quite a sight walking out of the airport in Copenhagen with 6 big suitcases plus numerous carry-ons...even the girls were not exempt from schlepping bags!

Friends, shopping and...oh!  Before the trip, I had compiled a thorough list of all the restaurants and types of food that I had been deprived of for eight months-and that I would have to have during our visit.  By the end of it all, I had crossed numerous things off of my "to eat" list... pizza (more than once), Chipotle (yum), Thai food, a trip to Capital Grill and sushi.  I also had my fair share of large Diet Cokes from McDonald's...they don't taste quite the same in Sweden and they certainly aren't on the dollar menu (so I had to "splurge" while I had the chance).  Believe me, I didn't exactly starve during this trip, but I found that I didn't have the sense of urgency I had expected with regard to my food requirements.   Perhaps I was merely more focused on catching up with people and if the visit happened to involve a favorite restaurant....then it was a bonus.  Or maybe I was simply shell shocked upon my return to the land of GIANT portions and that caused me to be slightly less excited (and maybe a little grossed out) when contemplating a three week food orgy.   I must admit that people in Sweden are a average than folks in the U.S. and it probably has something to do with fewer drive-thru options and, in general, smaller portions of everything.  All that being said, I'm sure I will regret a few restaurants that I missed!

Is this for the whole family?
Anyway, we had a wonderful trip back to the states...visiting, eating and shopping.  For me, getting on a plane and heading back to Sweden felt bittersweet.  We have been back for several days, and although it seems strange to say, it does feel like home least for now.   We will continue to make the most of our Swedish adventure!


  1. I know what you mean by being overwhelmed by US grocery stores. I feel that way every time I come back from traveling. I can only imagine what it feels like after 8 months!

    1. It was pretty strange....never thought I could be a little "overwhelmed" by grocery shopping :)
