Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Hair Scare

I'll admit this post is geared a little more toward the ladies...or those men who take a special interest in their grooming and understand how difficult it can be to find people to help maintain their appearance!  Up until yesterday, I have had one haircut in Sweden (to the tune of $70).  It was an acceptable haircut, but I don't feel the need to continue down that path every six weeks!  I also had my hair highlighted once (I bought an "at-home" kit and my friend Hanne did it in her looked quite good!).   Getting your hair done, especially highlighted, is quite expensive here.  It makes you wonder how the Swedes maintain their blond locks...they can't all be natural!   Nonetheless, I wanted to get my hair cut and colored before our next trip.

The haircut was fairly simple....I simply stopped at the shop (Hot Cuts!) where the hubby gets his hair cut by Dani (a guy).  This place is one step above the local barber (i.e. they advertise that they also cut women's hair).  Dani wasn't in, but Thurid (a girl) was...she was outside enjoying a cigarette when I walked up.  She seemed to barely speak English (or perhaps just didn't want to make small talk), but she gave me a perfectly ok haircut for just over $20.  Mission accomplished!

The color was a different story.  I had asked around for recommendations and received a few.  However, no matter where you look there are horror stories about color gone wrong, even at the "fancy" places.  After my haircut,  I happened upon a small salon in downtown Lund and asked about getting my hair colored.  I spoke to a man (perhaps the owner or manager) who listened to my request....I wanted some highlights as well as some lowlights (sorry again fellas)...and he seemed to understand what I wanted.  He quoted me a reasonable price and I set an appointment for the next day at 10 a.m.

When I arrived for my appointment, I reiterated my request (for highlights AND lowlights) and the manager translated this information for the gal who was actually going to work on my hair.  I had even brought in a translation of what I wanted to have done (Google translate isn't the best, but it's better than nothing!).  In spite of all this, the gal still seems a little perplexed which made me a tad bit you might imagine. (By the way, I will continue to refer to my stylist only as the "gal"...I used my best Swedish to ask her her name, but I could not understand her reply).  I then pulled up some images on my phone of lovely highlights a la Jennifer Aniston....I finally think she understood!
Just make me look like this, ok??
Then she gets to work with the fancy tin foil.  Why we even go through this silly looking process makes me wonder sometimes.  After a few minutes, I noticed that she is only using one color (the bleach) and not a second color for the lowlights.  I'm sure she has a strategy for the second color, but I feel compelled to ask her about it.  She summons over the manager/translator and I go through the whole explanation again...wondering if it's too late to make a bee-line for the door!  After a few more minutes of discussion, pointing, and photo perusing, I think we are FINALLY all on the same page.  She continues to work...

After all of the bleaching foils are strategically placed, the gal looks at me and says "OK?" As in ok we're done??  What about the other color??  I really have no idea what to say or do at this point.  If they haven't figured out what I want by now, do I really want this woman to put anything else on my hair?  I just nod and say "ok" right back.   I'm petrified.  And I wait...
You don't really think I'd use my own picture, do you??
I have plenty of time to ponder my options if this whole deal goes horribly wrong....Do I have any cute hats?  Would I look ok with G.I. Jane haircut?

I wait about 10 minutes and then take a peek under the hair is looking VERY light.  I'm about ready to cry thinking of how this might look.  After what seems like an eternity, the gal comes to check me and determines that I need 10 more minutes.  I think of asking her if that's really necessary, but she wouldn't understand me anyway.   So I just keep my mouth shut....and wait.

She finally returns and checks the color.  She seems to think it's perfect.  The stylist next to us takes a peek and gives a nod of approval.   My gal takes out the foils, washes my hair and wraps my head in a towel.  Back at the station, I mentally prepare myself for the towel removal.  Deep breath....

Whew!  At first glance, my hair certainly looks blonder, but does not appear to be orange and is not falling out....these are both good signs.   She takes her time drying my hair and I'm finally starting to calm least a little.   When all is said and done, I am MUCH blonder.....which is I guess ok for the summer.  I then ask her to style my hair to give me a bit more of a European look.  Do you like it?
German beer girl meets the Swedish Pippi Longstocking!
Just kidding!   Here I am with my new hair...CeCe (my four year old) took the photo, so don't judge too harshly!
I am officially blonder than my children!
Although I actually am happy (or perhaps relieved) with the results, Lord knows what it will look like when it starts growing out!  Will I ever set foot in that salon again?  The place that did the exact OPPOSITE of what I asked them to do?  The place that caused me to sit for two hours terrified that I was going to have to shave my head?  The answer is a resounding "NO!"

Hopefully my next trip to a new salon will be a little less "hair"owing!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a story! You look great . Glad all worked out ok! I would have been a nervous wreck, too! Can't even imagine sitting there that whole time!
